Flexibility and resilience: lessons from a journey of design intervention

The public transport system in Finland has issues with working with each other. What is needed is to create a structure for collaboration. Together with the Ministry of Transport & Communications (LVM), Traficom, and the service providers HSL and VR, group 2A looks closer at how to achieve effective collaboration to ensure accessibility in the public transport system.

Reframing retirement: a life-long journey punctuated by a series of milestones

This post provides an overview of the reflections we are currently carrying out in the context of imagining a design intervention. Here I discuss about how we reframed our approach in order to emphasise the importance of self-reflection and how we used storytelling to convey a large amount of information in an accessible way. I then suggest that a possible part of the solution to this apparent structural problem may lie in a smaller scale intervention.

Dignified retirement: standardizing services for a seamless transition

What are the current standards and objectives of digitized services? Do users and providers share the same expectations and goals? Group 1A members, in collaboration with DVV and the Finnish Ministry of Finance, investigate the existing service system to identify a leverage point where the needs of users and service providers can align.

Macro-level accessibility doesn’t exclude micro-level barriers in public transport

This post explores the challenges of achieving universal accessibility in public transport, including the conflict between macro and micro-level implementation and barriers met at the micro-level. It highlights the importance of addressing systemic and individual barriers to create more accessible transport chains. What is required to achieve universal accessibility?

New travel chains: inclusive, digital, integrated and fair

What are the main issues in the present transport system? Which challenges will the service providers face in the future? How should public travel chains be in the future? In the last three weeks, we collaborated with national and local service providers, user associations and municipalities to answer these questions.