Building an actionable case for peer learning

We will take you along the final stretch of our design process where we synthesise our research into an actionable government proposal. We present our solution as a proposal for The Ministry of Employment and Economic Affairs to form a working group and collaboratively design a peer learning program with the help of our design tool.

Creating something tangible for appreciation

Looking at TE-offices, KELA´s and municipalities civil servants, caseworkers, through the exercises at the DfG-course, storytelling, storyboarding and scenarios. From this work finding that appreciation could be the key of solving well-being issues and figuring out what kind of actions appreciation could be and how this can effect the reform and unemployment rate in Finland.

From topdown flow to peer collaboration

This blog post explores our process of moving from the 3 main identified problem areas into some possible interventions. It is described how different frameworks allowed us to identify desired scenarios, in which learning happens collaboratively among peers rather than from a top-down approach. Some potential solutions are explored.

Design intervention: biodiversity board

This blog post describes our process and steps of the last few weeks to get closer to our solution. We got inspiration in developing a design intervention that aims to improve shared understanding amongst Metsähallitus departments and preserve the biodiversity of national parks by applying the policy lab tool.

Navigating towards the intervention with scenarios

By forming our user scenario, we can find inspiration in developing nudges that serve to improve the visitor experience and protect the biodiversity of national parks. This method of working not only connects us to the problem area we look to solve but helps us to get closer to our design intervention.

The cosmic horror of Finnish bureaucratic iceberg

Finnish design project provided by the Ministry of Finance focusing on solving the needs of the public servants (in Kela, TE offices and municipalities) involved in the transition from the 15 TE offices to 309+ municipalities due to the TE services reform 2024, via people-centric and public strategy renewal ideas.

Identifying the nuts and bolts of a large scale employment services reform

These past two weeks we focused on unearthing challenges, triumphs and expectations with on-the-ground employees from different organisations which are a part of the TE2024 reform and identifying challenging areas where we can intervene. So far we have outlined three main problem segments that resurfaced often when discussing different reform activities.

Seeing the forest through the trees

Climate change is taking its toll on biodiversity everywhere but something lurking in the shadows of public media is the visitors’ contribution to biodiversity loss in national parks. Ideologies of systems thinking helped us to understand this spider legged topic further and eventually even led us to our problem area: Value of the guidelines is not realized by the visitors in relation to their impacts to biodiversity.