Policy Coherence in Biodiversity

Project Description The EU LIFE biodiversity project is an eight-year funding mechanism to combat biodiversity loss in Finland. The Prime Minister’s Office’s goal is to develop cooperation between ministries to ensure that biodiversity issues are incorporated better into policy-making. There is a lack of policy coherence in the current siloed approach to biodiversity, which leads … Read more

Continuity of Care

Project Description The Finnish healthcare system is burdened by long lines and unequal access to care, with rising costs and a need for improvement. Kela, the national social insurance institution, is exploring a revised patient reimbursement model that aims to encourage continuity of care, improve availability and equal access to healthcare services, and reduce costs. … Read more

Reinstating for the Better

Our group identified excessive administrative burdens on Finland’s public healthcare professionals as a major obstacle to quality of care for patients. We beleive that reintroducing medical assistants to handle non-medical tasks should recuduce this obstacle. However, to do so, we have to convince our partners of the necessity and cost-efficiency of this reinstatement by speaking their language.

Rooted in Values

This blog post reports on work-in-progress within the DfG course! The post is written by group 1C dealing with the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Environment’s brief on ‘Mainstreaming Biodiversity’. The group includes Dinah Coops and Anna Halvorsen from Creative Sustainability program, Sari Kukkasniemi from Collaborative and Industrial Design program, and Thao Nguyen from … Read more

Finding a Common Vision and Entry Points: “The struggle to comprehend the basic starting point.”

The third blog post from group 2A is focused on the research process of our project on continuity of care in primary healthcare. This project has been developed in collaboration with Kela and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The blog post showcases the current process of the project and discusses more deeply the process of the vision and entry points.