Project Description
The National Transport System Plan for 2021-2032 (Liikenne12) is a strategic plan developed by the Finnish Government that aims to improve the country’s transportation system, which includes a description of the current state of transportation, a vision for its development by 2050, objectives and strategic guidelines, and an action plan with measures for central and local governments. The plan focuses on promoting Finland’s competitiveness, sustainable economic growth, and regional accessibility. However, the current accessibility of the transportation system remains a challenge, and more action is needed at the organizational level to institutionalize initiatives related to accessibility. The national government plans to cooperate with different population groups to determine a target state for transport system accessibility and access to digital transport services. This project aims to uncover the challenges transport operators have to implement an end-to-end multimodal journey view that drives a continual services development for accessibility. For that, students will work closely with the Ministry and stakeholders, including accessibility associations and other international best practices, to prepare a national vision for accessible travel chains, which will be finalized in Autumn 2023.
The main questions to address are:
- How to ensure that all transportation options are accessible to all users?
- How can mobility services provide equal access to everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities?
- What information do operators and users need to make mobility services accessible?
- How can mobility service providers with access to travel data on accessibility offer accessible mobility services and information services to users?
Read more about the process in the blogs!
- Accessible? Why Should You Need to Ask?
- QUESTION: What do you mean by accessible?
- Stepping into futures
- Macro-level accessibility doesn’t exclude micro-level barriers in public transport
- Untangling the threads of information in the transport system
- New travel chains: inclusive, digital, integrated and fair
- Flexibility and resilience: lessons from a journey of design intervention
- User involvement – and how they can shape the future
- Walking on the first mile
- A framework of collaboration designed to last
- Finding the missing puzzle piece within the accessible travel chain
- From disconnected information to networked information
This project was showcased during the 2023 Final Show.
Student Proposals
Accessible Together
project by Gabriel Fuentes, Katrina Hoffmann, Suvi Onne and Mina Rostami

Final report (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF)
Video of presentation (15 min)
Creating an Informed Journey
project by Carlotta Carvalho, Giorgia Morandi, Pai-Feng Chen and Ruth Kupiainen

Final report (PDF)
Presentation slides (PPT)
Video of presentation (15 min)
Streets Ahead
project by Greta Cappellini, Jingchun Zeng, Sara Rynefors and Callisté Mastrandréas

Final report (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF)
Video of presentation (15 min)