Accessible? Why Should You Need to Ask?

What should be the ‘standard’ in our society? Is it conforming to the ‘standard’ of the majority, or is it the ‘standard’ to conform to all? Together with the Ministry of Transport & Communications (LVM), Fintraffic, Traficom, and the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (VÄYLÄ), group 2A looks closer at accessibility in the public transport system.

Design? Probably. Human-centered? Not for now.

Welcome on board! Through this first blog post, your will learn about our very first steps regarding the “Life events for dignified old age” adventure, such as our understanding of the project brief, the roundtable discussion with our partners, and a few elements about our research strategy.

Design and policy: where and when do they meet

Where do policy and design meet? How different or similar are their processes? And how can design help policy to suit “human scale”? These are some of the questions that have arisen during the first two weeks’ discussions and reflections on the Design for Government course.

First diamond attempt: design for a dignified old age

The first blog of the 2023 DfG course dissects the focus of the mission in the new design brief ‘Life events for a dignified old age’ and presents the roundtable discussions we’ve held to gain a preliminary understanding of the issues and the plan for the next step.