Inspiration Block – April 28-May 16, 2014

The inspiration block started off with a brief Q&A session on Skype with Kit Lykketoft, the Deputy Director of MindLab. Later in the morning, we met Outi Kuittinen, the head of Co-creation at Demos Helsinki. We finished the very intense but inspiring day with an evening with yet another Skype conference with Chelsea Mauldin from the New York based Public Policy Lab.

HCD Block – April 14-25, 2014

Human centered design is all about empathic approach to the problem. The HCD Block started with planning our design research. After planning, two days of the HCD block were reserved for field work.

Systems Thinking Block – March 31-April 11, 2014

In Systems Thinking block, we learned about systems thinking while creating our maps with the supporting lectures, assigned reading material and exercises. Thinking back, when we started applying systems thinking to our project the first question was where to start. What is the best approach or framing?