
  • Finding the missing puzzle piece within the accessible travel chain
    When putting together the puzzle, we are always trying to find a special piece from tons of them, the perfect one, the one with semi-round shapes to reach in all four directions. When thinking about our proposal for having accessible travel chains, we Urban Drifters felt were putting together a large puzzle.
  • Walking on the first mile
    Welcome to Urban drifters. This blog will highlight parts of our progress when creating an intervention from an insight. It will go through the steps we have discovered during our ideating sessions, and we will try to answer the difficult question of what an accessible travel chain actually is.
  • Flexibility and resilience: lessons from a journey of design intervention
    The public transport system in Finland has issues with working with each other. What is needed is to create a structure for collaboration. Together with the Ministry of Transport & Communications (LVM), Traficom, and the service providers HSL and VR, group 2A looks closer at how to achieve effective collaboration to ensure accessibility in the public transport system.
  • Puzzle pieces to the vantage point
    This blog picks up the problem framing stage around the ‘Dignified old age’ brief and explores further identifying a point of intervention and how to go about it reflectively. How could we solve multiple challenges we faced through strategic interventions that impact the whole system?
  • Reframing retirement: a life-long journey punctuated by a series of milestones
    This post provides an overview of the reflections we are currently carrying out in the context of imagining a design intervention. Here I discuss about how we reframed our approach in order to emphasise the importance of self-reflection and how we used storytelling to convey a large amount of information in an accessible way. I then suggest that a possible part of the solution to this apparent structural problem may lie in a smaller scale intervention.
  • User involvement – and how they can shape the future
    Using narratives is a practice we all constantly do. In this blog we will look into how service designers can facilitate a platform for both stakeholders and users, to create a more efficient and accessible future.