Project description
Housing companies in Finland have a strong and unique role. The built environment accounts for about 30% of national energy consumption, thus it is a critical area in Finnish climate policy. There are 2 major challenges for housing companies: the massive ‘renovation era’ already underway for 1960-80s building stock, and; sustainability and energy efficiency in relation to climate change mitigation targets. There are several promising approaches to these challenges. One is the idea of Energy Experts, or residents who have been given training for following and suggesting measures to improve energy efficiency in the housing company. There is a history of having ‘energy expert’ since a 1990s pilot training program and educational materials. There are also plenty of tools for housing companies for improving their long-term systematic maintenance of their buildings. Some of these tools are mandatory (based on legislation), but these tools and their use is, however, currently inadequate.
The perspective of this project in DfG is the “everyday life” of housing companies. Starting questions include: (1) How to motivate building companies into more systematic and foresightful maintenance and renovation planning also considering energy efficiency and sustainability? What is the role of maintenance tools in this?, (2) How to develop the ‘energy expert’ role in housing companies in order better serve the needs of the housing company and sustainability.
Read more about the process in the blogs!
This project was showcased during the 2016 Final Show.
Student proposals
In Good Company: Motivating strategic upkeep in housing companies
Project by Marija Erjavec, Veikko Isotalo, Ekaterina Perfilyeva, and Jutta Menestrina

Presentation slides (PDF)
Video of presentation
‘My Plan’ – A planning tool for renovations and active governance in housing companies
Project by Anssi Laurila, Simone Menge, and Andre Vicentini

Presentation slides (PDF)
Video of presentation