Project description
Where are we now?
Children’s consumption of fruits and vegetables is in decline in EU and remains below the recommended daily intake. The diet of children is shifting towards highly processed products, and overweight and obesity are increasing. WHO estimated that every third children between 6 and 9 years old in EU are overweight or obese in 2010, compared to every fourth in 2008.
Schools kids in Finland consumes less fruit and vegetable consumption than the other EU member states. The EU-wide voluntary School Fruit Scheme (SFVS) provides school children with fruits and vegetables for a sustained, healthy eating habits. With a well-working School Milk Scheme, however, Finland hasn’t been participating in SFVS so far. It has been speculated that the heavy administrative costs might be a one reason.
Where do we want to be?
MMM wants a boosted consumption of fruit and vegetables in the long term and instilling healthy eating habits through education. An efficient SFVS is sought for through clear targeting for maximum impact and more cost-effective distribution.
MMM wants to understand why Finland has not been participating in SFVS previously, and wants to have clear strategies for educational and awareness-raising initiatives for an increased fruit and vegetable consumption through enhanced experience among school children with SFVS.
Further, MMM wants promote consumption of Finnish fruits and vegetables in the long term, which might encourage some actors though it may not be an efficient short term goal. Also, strengthened links are sought for between schoolchildren and farming, farmers and the various types of food they produce.
How are we going to get there?
By observing and listening to the people potentially engaged with SFVS in the future, identifying and mapping out the gatekeepers and co-creating with them, and producing different options and verifying them in terms of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats, which are the reasons we started DfG 2015 with a workshop.
The potential workshop participants include the personnel from MMM, the Agency for Rural Affairs MAVI, the Ministry of Social Affairs & Health, the Ministry of Education & Culture, the Finnish National Board of Education, the departments in municipalities that make purchase decisions for school kids, Horticultural Association and Finnish Horticultural Products Society.
Read more about the process in the blogs!
This project was showcased during the 2015 Final Show.
Student proposals
School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
Project by Maria Jaatinen, Maija Jantunen, Jaakko Kalsi, Paula Karlsson and Anna-Kaisa Varjus

Video of presentation