Registration closed: 31 Jan 2015 (23:55) EET. The announcement will be made on 9 Feb 2015 (9:00) EET

We’ve received a good number of great applications during the past weeks. To ensure the best possible teams, however, we are still seeking for applicants from and outside Aalto University especially outside design disciplines. Therefore the application deadline for Design for Government 2015 is extended to 31 Jan 2015 (23:55) EET. Accordingly, the announcement will be made on 9 Feb 2015 (9:00) EET.
The instruction and the links to the application forms can be found here:
Those who have applied already
Thank you very much for your proactive approach and boldness. You will hear from us on 9 Feb 2015 (9:00) EET. Please encourage your peers who have been thinking of applying but have had little time or did not dare.