Digihumaus report 2024 from Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) inspired by one of the 2023 briefs with the topic ‘ageing and diversity’ (https://dfg-course.aalto.fi/2023/life-event-services-for-a-dignified-old-age/)
You can find the report here https://dvv.fi/en/digihumausreport2024

New Maternity Package release 2021. Aalto University and the course are mentioned for example in Helsingin Sanomat. You can find the article in the following link.

Design for Government has been mentioned in the Strategy on Expatriate Finns 2022–2026.
” It was also part of the background study phase that the strategy on expatriate Finns project was included as one of the topics on the Aalto University’s Design for Government service design course. The students heard several expatriate Finns and, based on the consultations, produced reports for the working group in support of the drafting process. During the process, the members of the working group also held discussions with experts from their own administrative branch, thus hearing the views of authorities responsible for the affairs of expatriate Finns”
You can find it in the following link.

Designers for Government meet to get more inclusive by Anni Leppanen. Check it in the link.