2024 Final Show

The Design for Government 2024 Final Show showcases inspiring examples of proactive and ‘designerly’ approaches to policy-making and public service provision. The event saw 6 talented and multidisciplinary student teams present their research and proposals responding to challenges within the Finnish public sector. This year, students addressed a record of two different project briefs, with three student groups addressing each brief.

This year, the multidisciplinary student groups showcased the work on extremely topical challenges dealing with the policy coherence in biodiversity across Finnish ministries and exploring a revised patient reimbursement model that aims to encourage continuity of care. Our project partners include the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of the Environment, Kela, and Ministry of Socials Affairs and Health.

A summary of the 2024 Project Briefs can be found here. Below we have posted documentation of the DfG’24 projects. Documentation includes videos of the presentations and Q&A session, presentation slides, each team’s final report, and pictures of the Final Show.

To learn more about what went on behind the scenes, check out the blog posts written by students from each project group.


Final Show 2024 Wednesday 29th May at the Kela Offices, Helsinki

Showcased Projects & FINAL REPORTS

1. Policy Coherence in Biodiversity

2. Continuity of Care


Marco Steinberg – DfG Course responsible

Natalia Villaman – DfG Lecturer and tutor

Eeva Furman – Prime Minister’s Office

Sari Piippo – Ministry of the Environment

Riitta Luoto – Kela

Veli-Pekka Puurunen – LUVN

The Final Show occurred from 13:00 – 16:00 on Wednesday, 29th May 2024 at Kela Offices in Helsinki.