The 2016 Final Show of the Design for Government (DfG) course showcased new ways that multidisciplinary design can address policy-making and public-service provision! 6 highly-committed and talented student teams presented their research and proposals addressing challenging project briefs from within the Finnish government –
DfG’16 addressed 2 project briefs from the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and 1 project brief from the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications – each brief was addressed from different perspectives by 2 student teams.
Below is information on each of the DfG’16 projects – including videos of the presentations, slides from the presentations, each team’s final report, as well as pictures of the event.
Welcoming Words
Showcased Projects
- Waste Prevention by Extending (Electronic Product) Lifecycle
- Energy and Maintenance in Finnish Housing Companies
- Bottom-up ‘Mobility as Service’
Final Show in Pictures
Student teams anticipating the start of the Final Show! Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Mingling during the coffee break – Taina Nikula from the Ministry of Environment talking to students, with DfG teachers Hella Hernberg and Taneli Heinonen in the background. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Mingling during the coffee break – glimpse of Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith and Annukka Berg from the Prime Minister’s Office talking to DfG teacher Juha Kronqvist. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Student teams, stakeholders from the ministries, and the public looking forward to the show. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Norbert Schmidt, Emma Berg, and Outi Yli-Viikari. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. María Ferreira Litowtschenko, Kristin Swan, and Jaakko Ikonen. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Anssi Laurila and Simone Menge. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Ilari Laitinen, Anna Pyyluoma, and Noomi Schulman. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Riikka Ylitalo, Merja Lang, and Suvi Kinnarinen. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Lively discussion following the 6 project presentations – Krista Huhtala-Jenks from the Ministry of Transport and Communications speaking. Photo credit Da-Woon Chung. Seungho Lee (DfG founder) and Ramia Mazé (Professor responsible for DfG) happily reflecting on the show and the students’ great work.
The show took place on May 24, 2016, 8:30-12:30pm in the Chydenia building at Aalto University – the complete program is here. The show was a part of Aalto Festival and #aaltofestival